(art. 19 of EU regulation no. 596/2014 "Market Abuse" and Eni Market Information Abuse (Issuers) Procedure)
For the purpose of compliance to the so called "Managers’ Transactions" discipline, those “who are involved in administration, control or management” are Board Directors, standing Statutory Auditors, the Magistrate of the Italian Court of Auditors (Corte dei Conti) and the members of the Management Committee of Eni SpA*, including the managers reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer and to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
These persons shall:
i) notify Eni and Consob of every transaction - including through intermediaries - conducted on their own account relating to the shares or debt instruments of Eni or to derivatives or other financial instruments linked there to;
ii) refrain from performing the operations as described in point i) for certain periods (so-called "Blocking Periods").
Persons closely associated with the Managers described above are required to follow the obligation of notification described in point i), as defined in the (EU) Regulation No.596/2014 and in Eni’s Market Information Abuse (Issuers) Procedure.
* The Management Committee also includes the CEOs of certain Eni's subsidiaries and a Chairman.
Giuseppe Zafarana (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Claudio Descalzi (Chief Executive Officer)
Elisa Baroncini (Independent Non-executive Director)
Massimo Belcredi (Independent Non-executive Director)
Roberto Ciciani (Non-executive Director)
Carolyn A. Dittmeier (Independent Non-executive Director)
Federica Seganti (Independent Non-executive Director)
Cristina Sgubin (Independent Non-executive Director)
Raphael Louis L. Vermeir (Independent Non-executive Director)
Rosalba Casiraghi (Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors)
Enrico Maria Bignami (Standing Statutory Auditor)
Marcella Caradonna (Standing Statutory Auditor)
Giulio Palazzo (Standing Statutory Auditor)
Andrea Parolini (Standing Statutory Auditor)
Giovanni Coppola (Magistrate of the Italian Court of Auditors - Corte dei Conti)
Roberto Ulissi (Corporate Affairs and Governance Director)
Guido Brusco (Natural Resources Chief Operating Officer)
Giuseppe Ricci (Energy Evolution Chief Operating Officer)
Francesco Gattei (Chief Financial Officer)
Stefano Speroni (Legal Affairs and Commercial Negotiations Director)
Luca Franceschini (Integrated Compliance Director)
Erika Mandraffino (External Communication Director)
Claudio Granata (Human Capital & Procurement Coordination Director)
Gianfranco Cariola (Internal Audit Director)
Lapo Pistelli (Public Affairs Director)
Grazia Fimiani (Integrated Risk Management Director)
Lorenzo Fiorillo (Technology, R&D & Digital Director)
Cristian Signoretto (Deputy of Chief Operating Officer Natural Resources)
Luca Vignati (Director Upstream)
Aldo Napolitano (Director Exploration)
Umberto Carrara (Deputy of Chief Operating Officer Energy Evolution and Director Refining Evolution and Transformation)
Luigi Ciarrocchi (Director CCUS, Forestry & Agro-Feedstock)
Hannelore Rocchio (Director Power Generation & Marketing)
Francesco Esposito (Head Accounting and Financial Statements)
Filippo Ricchetti (Head Planning, Control and Insurance)
1) The list above does not includes “Relevant Persons”, as defined by Article 152-sexies, paragraph 1, lett. c) of Consob Issuers Regulation, thus intending shareholders holding of at least 10% of the Eni SpA share capital, represented by voting shares, plus any other person controlling Eni SpA in the terms of Article 93 of Consolidated Law on Financial Intermediation (Legislative Decree No. 58/1998). For more information on these shareholdings, please consult the “Shareholders” page.
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