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Our Compensation & Welfare policies

We offer our employees a reward system and a comprehensive programme of benefits and welfare initiatives.

Our compensation policies

Remuneration policies for Eni employees are established according to a globally integrated model and promote merit-based salary increases relating to skills and performance, using local salaries as a benchmark. Moreover, Eni has been monitoring the wage gap between women and men annually since 2011 as part of its policies and has found that salaries are substantially aligned between them. With regard to international mobility, a key factor in the development of our business and of our people, we offer remuneration that compensates for the inconveniences connected with moving abroad as well as support for accommodation, children's education, travel home and family reunification in line with international standards.

A caring company named Eni

Corporate welfare is an important part of Eni's history and of its identity as an employer. We put people at the heart of our business strategy and are therefore a "caring company," i.e. one that promotes an ongoing commitment to taking care of its people to create a shared value chain.

Over the course of time, this approach has been translated into a system of benefits and corporate welfare that includes a set of services, initiatives and tools aimed at improving the well-being of employees which is now regarded as an example in the industry, as evidenced by the "Health Friendly Company" certification we obtained from the Onda Foundation, a Women's health and gender observatory.

Continued support

We are a company that is close to its people. We design welfare initiatives to address needs in different areas: health, social security, income support and family support to promote work life balance.

The offer of services and opportunities involves new hires and then develops throughout their careers and it may vary in relation to the different geographical realities in which Eni operates.

For Enihealth is a priority and an essential right in all its aspects. As a caring company we support the mental, physical and social well-being of our people, their families and the communities in which we operate. Our health promotion activities aim to develop an environment that enhances, provides and promotes opportunities for health. Our aim is to influence lifestyles by acting on knowledge, on attitudes towards the events of life and on behaviours.

By working with qualified institutions throughout Italy, we promote initiatives aimed at spreading a prevention-oriented mindset.

All employees working in Italy have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in "Previeni con Eni", a screening initiative for cancer and cardiovascular disease prevention carried out in partnership with qualified health facilities throughout the country. The programme is free of charge, tailored to age and gender and can be activated every two years.

The project is already present at some of our locations and is gradually being extended across the country.

In Italy, a seasonal flu vaccination campaign is promoted for all our employees.

Support for health also includes listening to our people and providing them with information on specific problems. For example, we have set up an information point in cooperation with AIMaC (Italian Association of Cancer Patients) offering support, guidance and information to cancer patients.

We are also making available a 24/7 psychological counselling service for all our people in Italy and a dedicated channel for victims of gender-based violence and harassment (Help line). Eni also offers a social assistance service.

All our people in Milan and Rome have access to health facilities for first aid and medical check-ups and examinations. Several occupational medicine and health protection centres are also operating at some of our production sites.

At sites where Eni has headquarters, it has made agreements with state-of-the-art health facilities to offer specialised medical care at a discount on standard prices. Eni has signed agreements with the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, the Policlinico San Donato and the Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome.

Più Salute is the innovative service by which Eni offers its people and their family members free immediate, digital and home-based qualified medical assistance through a single access channel accessible via app or website. 

Our goal is an all-round coverage of the health needs of our people and their families. Thanks to Più Salute it is possible to request an immediate telephone or video consultation with a general practitioner or, by appointment, with a specialist, to activate home healthcare services, or book a medical history interview to design a personalised health plan. In addition, a dedicated support centre is always available to book consultations and much more.

We focus our investments in particular on promoting patterns of behaviour that improve people's daily well-being. This commitment extends to the quality of our corporate catering services, with carefully selected ingredients from the Italian supply chain. Our varied menus are designed to encourage a balanced diet. 

Eni also plans to offer all employees and their families access to a platform through which they can buy discounted gym memberships at a network of around 2,000 sports centres across Italy.

Our people are given the opportunity to work from home. This makes it easier for them to reconcile professional and personal needs and saves commuting time, which is also beneficial in environmental terms. 
Eni introduced it in 2017 and it was expanded in 2021 to foster an increasingly better work-life balance. In Italy, Eni employees can request to work from home if they work in offices and industrial sites. As a further corporate welfare initiative, Eni has also introduced remote work for parents, employees suffering from illnesses or with disabled family members as part of its "Remote Work, Welfare & Sustainability" scheme.

For our employees abroad, remote working is being gradually extended in line with local regulations.

We offer flexible working hours on a weekly and seasonal basis to promote a better work-life balance for our employees.

We provide support and benefits to newly hired young people to make it easier for them to find a home near their place of work by offering a house-hunting service and bearing the costs of real estate agency fees. In addition, we provide young new recruits who live far from the place of work with accommodation in service flats for the first 3 months after they are hired, so that they have enough time to look for a new home.

We have appointed Mobility Managers at sites that fall under the scope of the Ministry of Ecological Transition's Decree of 12 May 2021. They organise, manage and promote initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of private car use. 

We also offer the opportunity to access for free or at favourable rates services like company shuttles, e-bike sharing, annual local public transport tickets and car rentals with some of the main rental companies.

Our San Donato Milanese and Rome sites now offer an experimental free charging service for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

We offer the opportunity to attend theatre and music performances, visit museums and exhibitions at reduced prices.

Since 2015, we have guaranteed all our employees globally the minimum maternity standards prescribed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). For all mothers working in countries where Eni operates and where local legal conditions fall short of ILO standards, we guarantee a minimum of 14 weeks of leave with remuneration equal to at least 2/3 of what they received in the pre-leave period. Furthermore, in September 2017 Eni adopted a global internal procedure to establish a minimum standard for paternity leave, offering 10 working days with full pay.

In San Donato Milanese and Rome, we offer crèche and kindergarten services for children aged 0 to 6. Our approach is based on a pedagogical model designed to provide a very flexible service with a strong focus on the child's well-being.

  • Contribution for children aged 0-3. From birth until age 3, we offer parents a financial contribution for each child to cover the cost of crèche fees and/or babysitting services.

  • Babysitting. For employees with children aged 0-13, we offer access to a portal for searching and selecting qualified babysitting services across Italy and a package of free babysitting hours. 

  • Support on educational issues. To support parents in their role, we offer specialised training and information courses led by experts on various educational topics related to different age groups.

  • Support for families with children with specific learning difficulties. To support parents in the prevention and understanding of specific learning difficulties (SLDs) and special educational needs (SENs), we offer online training courses, a digital counselling service for guidance and listening, along with instruments to provide tailored educational programmes.

  • Educational guidance. We provide programmes and tools to support our employees’ children in their studies and in preparing for university entrance tests. We also support young people with educational and professional guidance, with the aim of helping them to make informed choices after graduation and enriching their skills.

We organise summer holidays in seaside and mountain resorts for children and teenagers aged between 6 and 14. Our programmes include workshops, sports, games and leisure activities and experiences of various kinds, in line with Eni's values. 

For 15- and 16-year-olds, we offer the opportunity to take part in English-language summer camps with sports, cultural and nature activities. The activity plan also includes moments for engagement and dialogue on themes connected with the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda and offers educational pathways to foster awareness of issues related to interculturality and respect for human rights.

We have dedicated the Fragibilità service to a population group in need of special care, the caregivers of elderly parents and of family members who are not self-sufficient. Families facing challenges related to lack of self-sufficiency and disability can contact a care manager for information, advice and support. 

Eni’s people can voluntarily join pension schemes that offer supplementary provisions in addition to those offered by the public pension system. Members can benefit from the contributions the company pays into the plan on their behalf.

The company organises special training sessions for all new hires so that they can understand the value of supplementary pension schemes and to promote voluntary and informed access to them. It also provides an incentive for joining the pension funds in the form of payment by the company of ordinary employee contribution, limited to the first two years.

Eni’s people can join Healthcare plans that provide supplementary healthcare in addition to the medical services provided by the National Health Service, with the possibility of extending them to their family members. Participation in the plans is voluntary and allows members to benefit from the contributions paid by the company on their behalf. The benefits offered by supplementary healthcare plans have been further improved by health coverage from leading insurance companies. Healthcare plan usually also includes reproductive and maternal health services (e.g. gynaecological examinations, pre- and post-natal check-ups, PAP tests, mammography, etc.). 

We provide Eni’s people with insurance coverage against the risk of death and permanent disability, for occupational and non-occupational accidents and disease. 

Thanks to specific agreements, they can also take out policies on favourable terms with selected insurance companies.

We give Eni’s people the opportunity to obtain loans on favourable conditions in terms of loan capital, interest rate, loan duration and collateral required.

  • Generic loans: we have increased the offer of low-interest loans, giving all of our employees access to generic, multi-purpose loans. In addition, to facilitate access to credit by younger employees, the company may supplement the maximum guarantee that can be provided by the employee.
  • First Home Loan: we offer the possibility of applying for a loan to purchase a property in Italy as their primary residence.

We offer our employees the possibility of converting a portion of their company performance bonus into welfare-related goods and services, taking advantage of the opportunities afforded by the law in terms of tax and pension contributions.

The individual basket of flexible benefits can be selected freely depending on individual and family needs through a dedicated web platform, which also offers access to a wide range of discounts on products and services.

Thanks to agreements with leading operators, all Eni’s people in Italy can apply for corporate credit cards on favourable terms. The cards can be used in Italy and abroad to pay for work-related and personal expenses.

We have activated partner services for the purchase of laptops, desktop computers, monitors collected by Eni and refurbished to class A+, we have agreements with national telephone operators for home internet subscriptions, we have been providing mobile devices of a higher class, with the possibility of redeeming them at the end of the lease period, converting their use from business to personal. We have also introduced discounts on the purchase of audio and video devices such as headphones, speakers, and webcams.

For Enihealth is a priority and an essential right in all its aspects. As a caring company we support the mental, physical and social well-being of our people, their families and the communities in which we operate. Our health promotion activities aim to develop an environment that enhances, provides and promotes opportunities for health. Our aim is to influence lifestyles by acting on knowledge, on attitudes towards the events of life and on behaviours.

By working with qualified institutions throughout Italy, we promote initiatives aimed at spreading a prevention-oriented mindset.

All employees working in Italy have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in "Previeni con Eni", a screening initiative for cancer and cardiovascular disease prevention carried out in partnership with qualified health facilities throughout the country. The programme is free of charge, tailored to age and gender and can be activated every two years.

The project is already present at some of our locations and is gradually being extended across the country.

In Italy, a seasonal flu vaccination campaign is promoted for all our employees.

Support for health also includes listening to our people and providing them with information on specific problems. For example, we have set up an information point in cooperation with AIMaC (Italian Association of Cancer Patients) offering support, guidance and information to cancer patients.

We are also making available a 24/7 psychological counselling service for all our people in Italy and a dedicated channel for victims of gender-based violence and harassment (Help line). Eni also offers a social assistance service.

All our people in Milan and Rome have access to health facilities for first aid and medical check-ups and examinations. Several occupational medicine and health protection centres are also operating at some of our production sites.

At sites where Eni has headquarters, it has made agreements with state-of-the-art health facilities to offer specialised medical care at a discount on standard prices. Eni has signed agreements with the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, the Policlinico San Donato and the Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome.

Più Salute is the innovative service by which Eni offers its people and their family members free immediate, digital and home-based qualified medical assistance through a single access channel accessible via app or website. 

Our goal is an all-round coverage of the health needs of our people and their families. Thanks to Più Salute it is possible to request an immediate telephone or video consultation with a general practitioner or, by appointment, with a specialist, to activate home healthcare services, or book a medical history interview to design a personalised health plan. In addition, a dedicated support centre is always available to book consultations and much more.

We focus our investments in particular on promoting patterns of behaviour that improve people's daily well-being. This commitment extends to the quality of our corporate catering services, with carefully selected ingredients from the Italian supply chain. Our varied menus are designed to encourage a balanced diet. 

Eni also plans to offer all employees and their families access to a platform through which they can buy discounted gym memberships at a network of around 2,000 sports centres across Italy.

Our people are given the opportunity to work from home. This makes it easier for them to reconcile professional and personal needs and saves commuting time, which is also beneficial in environmental terms. 
Eni introduced it in 2017 and it was expanded in 2021 to foster an increasingly better work-life balance. In Italy, Eni employees can request to work from home if they work in offices and industrial sites. As a further corporate welfare initiative, Eni has also introduced remote work for parents, employees suffering from illnesses or with disabled family members as part of its "Remote Work, Welfare & Sustainability" scheme.

For our employees abroad, remote working is being gradually extended in line with local regulations.

We offer flexible working hours on a weekly and seasonal basis to promote a better work-life balance for our employees.

We provide support and benefits to newly hired young people to make it easier for them to find a home near their place of work by offering a house-hunting service and bearing the costs of real estate agency fees. In addition, we provide young new recruits who live far from the place of work with accommodation in service flats for the first 3 months after they are hired, so that they have enough time to look for a new home.

We have appointed Mobility Managers at sites that fall under the scope of the Ministry of Ecological Transition's Decree of 12 May 2021. They organise, manage and promote initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of private car use. 

We also offer the opportunity to access for free or at favourable rates services like company shuttles, e-bike sharing, annual local public transport tickets and car rentals with some of the main rental companies.

Our San Donato Milanese and Rome sites now offer an experimental free charging service for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

We offer the opportunity to attend theatre and music performances, visit museums and exhibitions at reduced prices.

Since 2015, we have guaranteed all our employees globally the minimum maternity standards prescribed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). For all mothers working in countries where Eni operates and where local legal conditions fall short of ILO standards, we guarantee a minimum of 14 weeks of leave with remuneration equal to at least 2/3 of what they received in the pre-leave period. Furthermore, in September 2017 Eni adopted a global internal procedure to establish a minimum standard for paternity leave, offering 10 working days with full pay.

In San Donato Milanese and Rome, we offer crèche and kindergarten services for children aged 0 to 6. Our approach is based on a pedagogical model designed to provide a very flexible service with a strong focus on the child's well-being.

  • Contribution for children aged 0-3. From birth until age 3, we offer parents a financial contribution for each child to cover the cost of crèche fees and/or babysitting services.

  • Babysitting. For employees with children aged 0-13, we offer access to a portal for searching and selecting qualified babysitting services across Italy and a package of free babysitting hours. 

  • Support on educational issues. To support parents in their role, we offer specialised training and information courses led by experts on various educational topics related to different age groups.

  • Support for families with children with specific learning difficulties. To support parents in the prevention and understanding of specific learning difficulties (SLDs) and special educational needs (SENs), we offer online training courses, a digital counselling service for guidance and listening, along with instruments to provide tailored educational programmes.

  • Educational guidance. We provide programmes and tools to support our employees’ children in their studies and in preparing for university entrance tests. We also support young people with educational and professional guidance, with the aim of helping them to make informed choices after graduation and enriching their skills.

We organise summer holidays in seaside and mountain resorts for children and teenagers aged between 6 and 14. Our programmes include workshops, sports, games and leisure activities and experiences of various kinds, in line with Eni's values. 

For 15- and 16-year-olds, we offer the opportunity to take part in English-language summer camps with sports, cultural and nature activities. The activity plan also includes moments for engagement and dialogue on themes connected with the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda and offers educational pathways to foster awareness of issues related to interculturality and respect for human rights.

We have dedicated the Fragibilità service to a population group in need of special care, the caregivers of elderly parents and of family members who are not self-sufficient. Families facing challenges related to lack of self-sufficiency and disability can contact a care manager for information, advice and support. 

Eni’s people can voluntarily join pension schemes that offer supplementary provisions in addition to those offered by the public pension system. Members can benefit from the contributions the company pays into the plan on their behalf.

The company organises special training sessions for all new hires so that they can understand the value of supplementary pension schemes and to promote voluntary and informed access to them. It also provides an incentive for joining the pension funds in the form of payment by the company of ordinary employee contribution, limited to the first two years.

Eni’s people can join Healthcare plans that provide supplementary healthcare in addition to the medical services provided by the National Health Service, with the possibility of extending them to their family members. Participation in the plans is voluntary and allows members to benefit from the contributions paid by the company on their behalf. The benefits offered by supplementary healthcare plans have been further improved by health coverage from leading insurance companies. Healthcare plan usually also includes reproductive and maternal health services (e.g. gynaecological examinations, pre- and post-natal check-ups, PAP tests, mammography, etc.). 

We provide Eni’s people with insurance coverage against the risk of death and permanent disability, for occupational and non-occupational accidents and disease. 

Thanks to specific agreements, they can also take out policies on favourable terms with selected insurance companies.

We give Eni’s people the opportunity to obtain loans on favourable conditions in terms of loan capital, interest rate, loan duration and collateral required.

  • Generic loans: we have increased the offer of low-interest loans, giving all of our employees access to generic, multi-purpose loans. In addition, to facilitate access to credit by younger employees, the company may supplement the maximum guarantee that can be provided by the employee.
  • First Home Loan: we offer the possibility of applying for a loan to purchase a property in Italy as their primary residence.

We offer our employees the possibility of converting a portion of their company performance bonus into welfare-related goods and services, taking advantage of the opportunities afforded by the law in terms of tax and pension contributions.

The individual basket of flexible benefits can be selected freely depending on individual and family needs through a dedicated web platform, which also offers access to a wide range of discounts on products and services.

Thanks to agreements with leading operators, all Eni’s people in Italy can apply for corporate credit cards on favourable terms. The cards can be used in Italy and abroad to pay for work-related and personal expenses.

We have activated partner services for the purchase of laptops, desktop computers, monitors collected by Eni and refurbished to class A+, we have agreements with national telephone operators for home internet subscriptions, we have been providing mobile devices of a higher class, with the possibility of redeeming them at the end of the lease period, converting their use from business to personal. We have also introduced discounts on the purchase of audio and video devices such as headphones, speakers, and webcams.

Eni’s welfare enhancement and the importance of listening

The value of corporate welfare is linked to our ability to continually evolve, first of all by listening to people. 

Over the past few years, we have conducted a number of listening initiatives for specific population groups to help us develop our new welfare plan.

The main areas of focus of this new proposal concern the physical and mental well-being of individuals and support for parents and caregivers. We are also committed to strengthening social protection and income support through new initiatives in social security, finance and insurance.

"The success of a welfare programme," says Luca De Santis, Head of Human Resources and Organisation at Eni, "is directly proportional to the company's ability to listen to its colleagues and to do so in a systematic way," in the awareness that the diversity of everyone who works at Eni is its most important asset.

Eni is on a path of profound transformation towards energy decarbonization: it is a strategic journey in which our people play an essential role.

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