Eni’s Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting was held on 10 May 2023 at 10 AM, in Rome, Piazzale Mattei 1 through the Shareholders’ representative designated by the company pursuant to Decree Law no. 18/2020.
Below is an excerpt from the letter to Shareholders published in the 2022 Annual Report, jointly signed by Lucia Calvosa, Chairman and Claudio Descalzi, CEO.
At the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting Eni's subscribed and paid-up share capital was €4,005,358,876.00, represented by 3,571,487,977 ordinary shares without indication of par value, each share entitles to one vote in ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings. At the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting the Company held no. 226,097,834 treasury shares, corresponding to 6.33% of the share capital. For treasury shares voting rights were suspended. The shares were counted for the purposes of the regular constitution of the Shareholders’ Meeting, but not for the calculation of the majority required for approval of the resolutions on the agenda.
Eni’s Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting was held on 11 May 2022, in Rome, Piazzale Mattei 1, exclusively through the Shareholders’ representative designated by the company pursuant to Decree Law no. 18/2020. In accordance with Article 106, fourth paragraph, second sentence, of Decree Law no. 18 of March 17, 2020 containing “Measures to strengthen the National Health Service and provide economic support for families, workers and businesses connected with the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency”, ratified by Law no. 27 of April 24, 2020, and Decree Law no. 288 of December 30, 2021, ratified by Law no. 15 of February 25, 2022, extending the measures of Art. 106 to the Shareholders’ Meetings held by July 31, 2022.
The Company’s share capital subscribed and fully paid up is equal to €4,005,358,876.00, represented by 3,605,594,848 ordinary shares without indication of par value, each share entitles to one vote in ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings. The Company holds no. 65,838,173 treasury shares, corresponding to 1.83% of the share capital. For treasury shares voting rights are suspended. The shares are counted for the purposes of the regular constitution of the Shareholders’ Meeting, but not for the calculation of the majority required for approval of the resolutions on the agenda.
Eni’s Shareholders’ Meeting was held on 12 May 2021, in Rome, Piazzale Mattei 1, exclusively through the Shareholders’ representative designated by the company pursuant to Decree Law no. 18/2020.
The Company’s share capital subscribed and fully paid up is equal to €4,005,358,876.00, represented by 3,605,594,848 ordinary shares without indication of par value, each share entitles to one vote in ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings. The Company holds no. 33,045,197 treasury shares, corresponding to 0.92% of the share capital. For treasury shares voting rights are suspended. The shares are counted for the purposes of the regular constitution of the Shareholders’ Meeting, but not for the calculation of the majority required for approval of the resolutions on the agenda.
The Ordinary and Extraordinary Meeting of Eni’s Shareholders was held on 13 May 2020, in Rome, Piazzale Mattei 1.