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In Iraq to improve access to education

We are helping to improve access to education in schools in the Basra Governorate, particularly in the Zubair district of Iraq, and are contributing to improving the academic performance of children, including the most vulnerable. Working with the Ministry of Oil, the Basra Oil Company (BOC) and local educational authorities, we have developed an educational strategy with two main focuses:

  • renovating and upgrading existing school facilities
  • the construction of new school buildings to alleviate overcrowding in the country's schools.

To support the country's development at a local level, we are involved in numerous projects to support the population in the fields of education, healthcare and the environment, and to promote access to water. We are also actively involved in the exploration and development of hydrocarbons, particularly in the Zubair field area in the Basra region.

Main project features

Activity start date: 2017 – present



 SDG 4 Quality education

Eni Iraq B.V.

Education Directorate of Basra Governorate

Project actions and objectives

In Basra our contribution to access to education

To improve education in Basra, we are carrying on projects to renovate and upgrade existing school facilities and to address overcrowding by constructing new buildings. We have completed the renovation of more than 19 schools in the Governorate and built the Al Burjesia Secondary School. The latter, which was inaugurated in January 2020, is equipped with electricity, internet connectivity, computers, drinking water and sanitation facilities. The school is accessible to children with disabilities and will provide a safe and healthy learning environment for 900 students.

37 k

reached by the initiative


have received school supplies and furniture


restructured in Basra Governorate

37 k

reached by the initiative


have received school supplies and furniture


restructured in Basra Governorate

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Last update: 15 May 2024

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