Eni has been ranked highly for its Environmental, Social and Governance activities (ESG) by the main ESG evaluations.
Eni system aims at establishing and implementing the most rigorous standards and best practices to achieve the highest ratings’ results in the industry.
Eni’s ratings place or confirm the company in a leading position both in the main ESG ratings and specialised indices: MSCI (confirmed as “A”), Sustainalytics (confirmed as “medium risk”), Moody’s ESG Solutions (first in its industrial ranking and confirmed in “advanced band”), FTSE4Good Developed Index (confirmed for the seventeenth consecutive year). In 2021, Eni’s ISS ESG rating has been upgraded to Prime Status.
Eni also achieved excellent results in the climate-focused ratings: Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Benchmark (confirmed for the second consecutive year as 1st among its peers by number of fully aligned indicators), Carbon Tracker (confirmed for the fourth consecutive year as 1st among its peers in research "Absolute Impact 2023"), Transition Pathway Initiative (Quality Management: 4 stars – all criteria met; Carbon Performance: aligned with the 1,5°C objective in the long term – IEA Net Zero Scenario).
These accomplishments are proof of Eni’s commitment to achieving the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are embedded into the company’s mission.
In December 2023, Eni’s “A” status was confirmed in MSCI's ESG rating.
MSCI ESG Research provides ESG ratings to global public companies (and some private companies) on a scale AAA to CCC. The ratings are based on exposure to sector-specific ESG risks and on the company's management capabilities.
In its annual update published during August 2023, Sustainalytics confirmed Eni in the "medium risk" band (score range 20-30).
The rating corresponds to the residual risk following management actions on a rating scale from 1-40+ (1 is best, 40 is worst).
The Sustainalytics (Morningstar Group) ESG assessment model covers a wide range of sector- and company-specific ESG risk areas. Sustainalytics is a leading independent company in ESG and corporate governance analysis, ratings and research that supports investors in developing and implementing responsible investment strategies.
In August 2024 Moody’s ESG Solutions has further improved Eni score and confirmed Eni positioning in the Advanced band, the highest one of the methodology, due to the relevant capabilities in managing ESG risks. The score is higher than the sector average, positioned in the Robust band (scale Weak 0-29, Limited 30-49, Robust 50-59, Advanced 60+ - 100).
Moody’s ESG Solutions is a global provider of ESG ratings – including sustainable finance ratings.
In 2021, Eni was awarded the highest score in its sector (B-), being upgraded to Prime Status/Industry Leaders on an A+ (best) / D- (worst) scale.
The Prime Status threshold overcome was the highest of all the sectors evaluated. ISS ESG offers support services for the development and integration of policies and practices related to responsible investment.
In 2022, Eni once again confirmed its leading role in combating climate change and was evaluated in the management position with regard to water security by obtaining an A- rating in the CDP Climate Change and B in CDP Water Security questionnaires.
The latest edition ranks more than 18.700 companies on their responses to climate change, forestation and water security issues.
CDP is an international non-profit organisation that encourages companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests.
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) is a global initiative led by asset owners; it assesses how prepared companies are for the transition to a low-carbon economy. For the seventh consecutive year, TPI's 2023 assessment confirmed Eni’s status as one of the industry leaders. Eni maintained the highest rating in the Management Quality area, where it was given a level 4 "STAR" rating for its strategic assessment of climate-related risks and opportunities. Eni was also one of the few companies in the sector judged to be in alignment in the long term with TPI's benchmark focused on 1,5°C objective – IEA Net Zero Scenario.
Eni was listed in the FTSE4Good Developed stock market index for the seventeenth consecutive year in the June 2023 review. This confirms Eni’s position among the top 5 in the oil & gas sector.
Created by the global index provider FTSE Russell, the FTSE4Good index measures companies' environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. The FTSE4Good index is used by a wide range of financial institutions to develop and evaluate financial products focused on sustainable investments.
In 2023 Eni has confirmed its presence in the MIB® ESG index, the blue-chip index for Italy dedicated to ESG best practices launched by Euronext and made operational by Moody's ESG Solutions.
The index includes the most important listed Italian issuers that demonstrate to apply best practices in ESG and was developed according to a methodology shared with the financial community, public and regulatory authorities.
Advice for visitors to the site
The ratings does not equate to a recommendation for buying, selling or keeping financial instruments of any kind of the Eni Group. They are an indication relating to Eni’s main initiatives in the field of ESG. The above ratings may be subject to changes, replacement, suspension or removal.
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The use by Eni of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its affiliates (“MSCI”) data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of Eni by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers, and are provided ‘as-is’ and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.
These evaluations are an encouragement for us to continue, with even more determination, to focus on sustainability as a centrepiece of our business model and to deliver on our strategy, which will make us leaders in the production and sale of decarbonized products by 2050.
Claudio Descalzi
Chief Executive Officer of Eni