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Code of Ethics

Principles and content of the Code 

Integrity, respect and protection of Human Rights, transparency, development promotion, operational excellence, innovation, team work and collaboration are the values that define who we are, what we believe in, the values that guide our actions, characterize our commitment and direct both our behavior and the behavior of those who interact with us.

These values also support us in defining administrative and control structures that are appropriate to the size, complexity and operational structure of our Company, in adopting an effective internal control and risk management system, and in communicating with shareholders and other stakeholders. Along with Eni’s values, the Code of Ethics contains general principles and specific rules of conduct, providing a practical guide for the company operations.

A Code for all

The Code of Ethics is addressed to members of Eni's administrative and control bodies, Eni employees, all Eni controlled companies and to any third parties, such as suppliers and commercial or industrial partners, collaborating or working in the name, on behalf of, or in the interest of Eni, wherever it operates and in any way it contributes creating value for the company.

To ensure its extensive understanding, the Code is widely disseminated and promoted through a large variety of initiatives, including specific training activities and translation into the different languages of the countries in which Eni operates. 

Last update: 21 December 2023

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