Direct emissions, attributable to Eni’s production facilities.
Our long-term strategy aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 through a plan characterized by intermediate targets involving all company sectors in Italy and worldwide, based on established technologies and developing cutting-edge solutions.
At Eni, our distinct strategy aims to progressively reduce the emissions directly and indirectly associated with our business activities. We strive for carbon neutrality by 2050 while contributing to the security and competitiveness of energy supplies to the countries in which we are present.
Francesco Gattei
Chief Financial Officer of Eni
We contribute to the energy sector's transition towards more sustainable sources, following a strategy compatible with global climate goals and continuing to ensure supply security and sustainability.
We have embarked on a profound industrial transformation involving all business lines, enabling us to achieve the Net Zero target by 2050. The evolution is based on the most efficient technological solutions available and, simultaneously, on the research and development of innovative technologies.
On our path to decarbonization, we set progressive reduction targets for net emissions, starting with those generated directly by our own operations (Scope 1 and 2) and then including those of our customers, i.e., related to the end use of our products (Scope 3), calculated over our products’ entire life cycle. Specifically, we aim for net zero emissions from Upstream activities by 2030 and all of Eni by 2035 (Scope 1+2), reaching Net Zero by 2050 for all GHG emissions (Scope 1+2+3). Eni plans only to use carbon offsets to compensate for emissions it cannot otherwise reduce to zero.
Direct emissions, attributable to Eni’s production facilities.
Indirect emissions from power, heat, and steam generation, purchased from other energy companies and consumed by Eni’s production facilities.
Indirect emissions produced throughout Eni’s product value chain, upstream and downstream of the company’s operations (e.g., suppliers and clients).
Our goals towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
of net lifecycle Scope 1+2+3 GHG emissions
of net lifecycle Scope 1+2+3 GHG emissions
of net lifecycle Scope 1+2+3 GHG emissions
Zero net lifecycle Scope 1+2+3 GHG emissions
We align our growth and industrial transformation plans with the decarbonization goals in the medium- and long-term strategy involving the entire value chain. We plan to progressively reduce emissions by increasing the share of natural gas in the production mix. At the same time, we work to expand renewable energy development and focus on the circular economy to offer new energy solutions and services. The conversion of conventional refineries into biorefineries goes in this direction.
CO2 capture, storage, and utilization (CCUS) projects will complement existing technologies by reducing hard-to-abate residual emissions. Compensation through carbon credits has a marginal role in this process.
Our strategic approach enables us to offer our customers a full range of increasingly decarbonized products and services, aiming to achieve net zero direct and indirect emissions by 2050.
Browse our voluntary sustainability report. Stories, case studies and testimonials on Eni's contribution to an increasingly sustainable, secure and affordable energy.
Our Oil & Gas portfolio relies increasingly on natural gas, a versatile resource that can support the energy transition.
We leverage skills and technologies to research and develop diversified energies to make our activities more sustainable.
Increasing production capacity in bioenergy, particularly in biofuels and biomethane, will contribute to achieving the Net Zero target.
Through collaboration, partnership and dialogue with governments, we are helping to drive the energy transition on a global scale.
Eni is working to ensure that the decarbonization process offers opportunities to convert existing activities and develop new production chains, with significant opportunities in the countries where it operates.
Claudio Descalzi
Chief Executive Officer of Eni is a digitally designed platform that offers an immediate overview of Eni's activities. It addresses everyone, recounting in a transparent and accessible way the values, commitment and perspectives of a global technology company for the energy transition.
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