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Eni’s people

Several people sitting around a table in the office

Eni's people, the first source of energy

We are close to the people who work and collaborate with us, we take care of workers through welfare initiatives in several areas: from health and wellbeing to income support and family and leisure management. We are committed to providing decent working conditions and to valuing the opinions and uniqueness of everyone, as sources of mutual enrichment.


Through listening and communication, we involve employees in organisational strategies and support the social protection of employees, especially those directly affected by the company's transition strategy. This is beneficial to both employees and the company.

Our priorities: the health and safety of workers

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals included in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, we consider the protection of the health of individuals, families and communities to be a fundamental human right and requirement, and place it at the centre of the operating models. Ours is a tangible commitment that concerns everyone at Eni. Both in Italy and abroad we support primary care systems, prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Similarly, safety at work is an essential value shared with the stakeholders. We develop models and technologies for risk management and assessment in order to prevent accidents and protect people. 

The numbers of our commitment in 2023

new resources hired on a permanent basis


accesses to health promotion initiatives


training hours vs. 2022


new resources hired on a permanent basis


accesses to health promotion initiatives


training hours vs. 2022

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Just Transition Framework for a people-centred transition

A continuous dialogue

We involve employees and collaborators in organisational strategies with listening and communication initiatives. We support the inclusion of all diversities both within the company and in external relations.

Eni for 2023. Browse the interactive feature

Discover the sustainability report that brings together our goals, commitments and achievements for a socially just energy transition.

eni for just transition

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