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Our approach to local development in Mexico

Mexican woman hands out information leaflet to Mexican woman with child

In the city of Sanchez Magallanes and in the coastal villages of the municipality of Cardenas, in the state of Tabasco in Mexico, we work to promote quality learning and reduce school drop-outs, support local producers, encourage healthy food, especially for children, and ensure access to primary health services for the most fragile. The local development project goes hand in hand with our oil and gas production activities in Area 1.

In Mexico, parallel to our hydrocarbon production activities, we are active in several areas. By virtue of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with UNESCO, we contribute to the sustainable development of the local economy, through initiatives that aim at economic diversification, the protection of health and human rights, the protection of cultural heritage and the enhancement of local culture and tradition.

Project features

Activity start date: 2019 - present


Territory protection
Territory protection
Economic diversification
Economic diversification
Community health
Community health

SDG 1 No poverty
SDG 2 Zero hunger
SDG 3 Good health and well-being
SDG 4 Quality education
SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation
SDG 7  Affordable and energy
SDG 8  Decent work and economic growth

Eni Messico
Eni Foundation

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) 

Volunteer Associations for International Service (AVSI)  

Project actions and objectives

The importance of promoting education: the PROEDU project

We cooperate with AVSI Mexico for the benefit of students and teachers, also carrying out work to renovate school facilities. Our strategy aims to make study spaces more comfortable, so as to reduce absenteeism rates and, at the same time, develop refresher programmes that enhance teachers' skills. Approximately 1,600 children aged between 6 and 14, from 13 public schools, benefited from the project.

Healthy lifestyles in children and health care

Protecting health includes a healthy diet, especially among minors. In addition to the cooperation with the Eni Foundation to promote access to health services for the most fragile people, in the state of Tabasco we carry out further initiatives to combat childhood excess weight and obesity. In this area, the fourth in Mexico for problems of this kind, thanks to agreements with the administrations, we carry out studies and laboratory tests to find out the general state of health and detect pathologies linked to a poor diet. Talks with families, nutrition education programmes and distribution of healthy snacks are also ongoing.

Other initiatives to support communities

Support for the local population also manifests itself through humanitarian interventions, as in the case of aid kits and food parcels delivered to cope with the devastating effects of the rains in the state of Tabasco. This is in addition to road resurfacing operations on a 5 km stretch in the communities of Paylebot, Ley Federal de la Reforma Agraria and Coronel Andres Sanchez Magallanes, in the vicinity of Area 1. Furthermore, through the Eni Foundation and under a Memorandum of Understanding with the Tabasco State Ministry of Health, we promote access to primary health care services for the most vulnerable people in the municipality of Cardenas. Measures include improving the infrastructure of the first aid network, providing medical and technological equipment, training health personnel and prevention.

The importance of fishing for the economy

Fishing is one of the most important activities for local communities. We support fishermen by supplying nets and outboard motors. We contribute to the modernisation of their equipment and the reduction of their environmental impact, thanks in part to the knowledge shared during the sustainable fishing workshops launched to meet their needs. Oyster farming is also one of the main activities in the Carmen-Pajonal-Machona lagoon system. Here we implement the integrated project by which we provide training and technical support to local breeder cooperatives. The goal is to improve safety and hygiene so that oyster production becomes increasingly sustainable and offers more possibilities from a commercial perspective.


infrastructures that have been restructured

new students

are beneficiaries of the initiatives


for parenting training sessions aimed at parents


organised for the most vulnerable children


infrastructures that have been restructured

new students

are beneficiaries of the initiatives


for parenting training sessions aimed at parents


organised for the most vulnerable children

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Eni Foundation Mexico, a source of support that looks to the future

 We support the Mexican Ministry of Health with initiatives for maternal and child health services in the Tabasco state area.

Mexican child in school cafeteria

Eni for 2023. A just transition

Browse our voluntary sustainability report. Stories, case studies and testimonials on Eni's contribution to an increasingly sustainable, secure and affordable energy.

eni for just transition
Last update: 15 May 2024

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