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Eni: Shareholders' Meeting approves 2010 Financial Statements and appoints the Company Officers

Rome , 5 May 2011 – The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting held today resolved to:

  • approve the parent company's Financial Statements as at December 31, 2010, which show net profit of euro 6,179,319,559.03;
  • allocate euro 4,368,071,987.53 out of the 2010 profit of euro 6,179,319,559.03, which remains after the payment of an interim dividend of euro 0.50 per share resolved by the Board of Directors on September 9, 2010 and paid out on September 23, 2010, as follows:


  • to pay a dividend of euro 0.50 for each share outstanding at the ex-dividend date, excluding own shares held in treasury as of the same date. Therefore, taking into account the payment of the 2010 interim dividend of euro 0.50 per share, the 2010 full dividend per share amounts to euro 1;
  • to allocate to the legal Reserve the amount remaining following the distribution of the dividend;
  • pay the balance of the 2010 dividend from May 26, 2011, May 23, 2011 being the ex-dividend date;
  • set at 9 the number of the Directors to be appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting, to set the term of office of the Directors appointed to three financial years, this term expiring on the date of the Shareholders' Meeting convened to approve Eni S.p.A.'s 2013 Financial Statements and to appoint the Board of Directors. The Directors are:
    • Giuseppe Recchi, Chairman(1);
    • Paolo Scaroni, Director(1);
    • Carlo Cesare Gatto, Director(1)*;
    • Alessandro Lorenzi, Director(2)*;
    • Paolo Marchioni, Director(1)*;
    • Roberto Petri, Director(1)*;
    • Alessandro Profumo, Director(2)*;
    • Mario Resca, Director(1)*;
    • Francesco Taranto, Director(2)*;
  • set the annual remuneration of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and of the Directors;
  • appoint the Statutory Auditors. The term of office of the Board of Statutory Auditors is three financial years, expiring on the date of the Shareholders' Meeting convened to approve Eni S.p.A.'s 2013 Financial Statements. The Statutory Auditors are:
    • Ugo Marinelli, Chairman(2);
    • Roberto Ferranti, Effective Auditor (1);
    • Paolo Fumagalli, Effective Auditor (1);
    • Renato Righetti, Effective Auditor (1);
    • Giorgio Silva, Effective Auditor (2);
    • Francesco Bilotti, Alternate Auditor (1);
    • Maurizio Lauri, Alternate Auditor (2);
  • set the annual remuneration of the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors and of the effective Statutory Auditors;
  • confirm to delegate to the Board of Directors the ability to determine the compensation of the Court of Auditors' Representative in charge of the financial monitoring of Eni.

The curriculum of the appointed Directors and Statutory Auditors are available on

1) Drawn from the list of candidates presented by the shareholder Ministry of Economy and Finance, owning, directly, 3.93% of the Eni S.p.A. share capital, voted by the majority of the shareholders who have attended the Shareholders' Meeting.
(2) Drawn from the list of candidates presented by a group of Institutional Investors, owning, jointly, a total amount of about 0.9% of the Eni S.p.A. share capital, voted by the minority of the shareholders who have attended the Shareholders' Meeting.
* Candidate who declared to possess the independence requirements pursuant to Article 148, paragraph 3 of the Legislative Decree 58/98.

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