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Transactions with related parties

Transactions with interests by the Directors and Auditors and transactions with related parties

Eni’s Board of Directors approved rules to ensure procedural transparency and probity relating to all transactions in which a director or a statutory auditor has an interest, as well as transactions with related parties.

The rules, which distinguishes the discipline of the transactions due to their relevance, incorporates relevant Consob Regulations, extending them to all transactions carried out by subsidiaries with related parties of Eni with the aim of providing protection, extending also the definition of related party.

The Board of Directors gave a central role to independent directors appointed to the Control and Risk Committee, or to the Remuneration Committee in case of transactions on remunerations.

In order to ensure the effective monitoring of operations, the CEO is required to present to the Board of Directors and to the Board of Statutory Auditors, quarterly and six-monthly, details on the operations carried out during the reporting period. With regard to public disclosure, the relevant provisions of the Consob Regulations have been fully adopted.

The rules were lastly amended on 16 November 2023, mainly in order to adapt it to the principles of the new Eni Regulatory System and for the further refinement on the basis of application experience and from a risk-based perspective.

Last update: 19 December 2023

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