Rome, 18 March 2020 – Today, Eni’s Board of Directors will propose at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, to be held on May 13, 2020 - amongst other items, a resolution to approve the 2019 financial statements and allocation of net profit (proposal to distribute a dividend of € 0.86 per share, of which € 0.43 already distributed in September 2019 and the remaining balance of € 0.43 to be paid on May 20, 2020 with the ex-dividend date on May 18, 2020) and to appoint corporate bodies - the new long term incentive plan 2020-2022 (the “Plan”), disposal of Eni’s treasury shares to serve the plan and the Report on remuneration policy and remuneration paid.
In particular, the Plan could determine the disposal of Eni’s treasury shares - coming from purchases made in the implementation of plans to repurchase own shares previously approved by the Company - up to a maximum of 20 million shares. More information about the plan beneficiaries, the specific conditions and purpose of the Plan will be published in the information document, pursuant to art. 114-bis of the Legislative Decree. 24th February 1998, No. 58, (“Consolidated Law on Finance”), which will be published within the legal deadlines, with the Report of the Board of Directors on the items on the Agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting.
The Report on remuneration policy and the compensation paid which has been prepared in accordance to article 123-ter of Italian Consolidated Law on Finance and approved by the Board of Directors in today’s meeting will be available to the public, in accordance with the time limits and procedures required by law. It will also be available on the Company’s website.
The Company will also communicate in the notice of the Shareholders’ Meeting, which will be published in accordance with the law, the methods of conducting the Shareholders' Meeting in accordance with the legal provisions of the Law Decree of 17 March 2020, no. 18, which contains "Measures to strengthen the National Health Service and economic support for families, workers and businesses connected to the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19".
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