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The Board of Directors of Eni establishes the Nomination Committee

San Donato Milanese (Milan), 29 July 2011 – The Board of Directors of Eni established the Nomination Committee, led by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Giuseppe Recchi, and composed by the Chairmen of the other Board Committees: Alessandro Lorenzi (Chairman of the Internal Control Committee) Alessandro Profumo (Chairman of the Oil-Gas Energy Committee) and Mario Resca (Chairman of the Compensation Committee).
The Committee resolves on the basis of the proposals of the CEO, who takes part in its meetings.

The members of the Nomination Committee are all non-executive directors. The majority of them are independent in accordance with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code of Borsa Italiana.

In addition to the tasks set by Eni's Corporate Governance Code, the Committee has the authority to propose and consult the Board in relation to: appointment, under the Board’s competence, of the managers of the Company and of the members of the bodies of the subsidiaries; the succession plans for the managers with strategic responsibilities of the Company; the Board and its committees annual review; the guidelines regarding the maximum number of offices of the directors; the evaluation of their requirements, as well as of any business they may carry on in competition.

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