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A day for the elimination of violence against women

A day for the elimination of violence against women

A day for the elimination of violence against women

A day for the elimination of violence against women

A day for the elimination of violence against women

Eni joins campaigns against gender-based violence

Every 25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, established in 1999 by the United Nations General Assembly.

The day is also known as Orange Day because the colour orange is worldly recognised by UN Women to symbolise a future without violence against women. The date is meant to commemorate the Mirabal sisters, three political activists living in the Dominican Republic who fell victims of an attack by agents of the Military Intelligence Service on 25 November 1960.

To celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Eni adopts the butterfly as a symbolic element, in memory of the Mirabal sisters who became known as Las Mariposas (“The Butterflies”). The code name identified them as activists, symbolizing their freedom like butterflies. The orange butterfly also serves as a symbol for the communication campaign #IoConLei.

Eni's actions to raise awareness

Respect for human rights is at the core of Eni's mission. Through our Code of Ethics, we are committed to ensuring that our working environment is free from all forms of discrimination or harassment.

We recognize the need to take actions that, in various forms, raise awareness about this issue, such as: the Harassment Help Desk for all employees, the toll-free anti-violence number 1522 displayed on stickers applied to Enjoy car-sharing vehicles, on the displays of Enilive stations throughout the Italian territory, in the Enjoy and AGI apps and on the shop windows of Plenitude retail points. In addition, on November 25, in major cities, the lights of the same stores will turn orange and the number 1522 will be shown in a dedicated section of the bills for special initiatives.

Eni’s people-oriented initiatives

Other initiatives to prevent violence against women:

  • Promotion of communication and training campaigns on workplace violence, including gender-based violence, in line with the Zero Tolerance Policy and awareness-raising initiatives on domestic violence;
  • Specialised training activities for those in charge of investigations opened following reports of workplace harassment and violence;
  • Creation of a cross-functional working group to monitor data and trends on harassment and violence in the workplace, with a view to continuous improvement of prevention and management measures.

A commitment that lasts overtime

Goal n.5: gender equality and goal n.10: reduced inequalities of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) inspire our actions and our commitment to a “Just energy transition”.

“16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence” in defence of human rights

Violence against women is not only a crime, is the most widespread and pervasive human rights violation. There is a red thread that embraces two significant anniversaries. On one hand, 25 November commemorates the fight against "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life" (UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women 1993); on the other, 10 December celebrates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Zero Tolerance Policy

In alignment with its Code of Ethics, Eni has issued a Zero Tolerance Policy which guarantees a work environment free from bulling, discrimination, harassment or other awful conducts.

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