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Eni and ENEA, together to transform energy

We have formed a strategic alliance with  Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA) to develop a major science and technology hub dedicated to magnetic confinement fusion, the Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT), within the Enea Research Centre of Frascati. The goal of the DTT is to provide answers to a number of technical aspects of fusion, such as the management of extremely high temperatures and the materials to use, acting as an experimental infrastructure that is available for the research projects on fusion taking place at international level.


As well as the DTT project, we collaborate with ENEA in various other strategic areas of the energy transition, such as the production of renewable energy with reduced CO2 emissions, supercomputing, superconductivity and the circular economy, including innovative processes for using waste and for the production of biogas, biomethane and biochar.

A strategic public-private collaboration

The collaboration with ENEA, and in particular the Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) project, is an example of the type of virtuous relations that, as a global energy tech company, we develop with leading players in the world of science and with Italian and international institutions. The project is being led by a consortium of companies formed by ENEA, Eni, the National Research Council (CNR), the CREATE consortium, the RFX consortium, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), the Turin Polytechnic, Milan Bicocca University, Rome Tor Vergata University, the University of Tuscia and the European Research Center for Technologies Design and Materials (CETMA).  DTT is also supported by the European Union, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European EUROfusion consortium, the Italian Ministries of Economic Development (MISE) and University and Research (MUR) and the Lazio Region. In the area of innovation, just like in the other activities we pursue in Italy and worldwide, the ability to pool public and private sector resources and expertise is crucial for developing strategic projects.

Highlights of our collaboration with ENEA

The main positive economic consequences expected from the Divertor Tokamak Test.


DTT Scarl share held by ENEA


DTT Scarl share held by Eni


DTT Scarl share held by ENEA


DTT Scarl share held by Eni

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