
HSE Policy

We promote environmental and biodiversity preservation, while also protecting the workforce and the economic and social development of local communities.

Nigerian Agip Oil Company Ltd. (NAOC), Agip Energy and Natural Resources Ltd. (AENR) and Nigerian Agip Exploration Ltd. (NAE) - hereinafter referred to as “the Companies” - are fully committed to pursuing excellence and to promote:

  • protection of workforce and local communities and all Interested Parties’ Health and Safety;
  • protection of the environment and the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems;
  • protection and promotion of human rights, the economic and social development of local communities;
  • continuous improvement of the quality of the processes, services and products of their activities and operations.

To achieve these goals, the Companies are committed to:


  • comply with the Eni Code of Ethics, Eni Policies, Management System Guidelines (MSG) and sustainability principles;
  • comply with national and international laws and regulations, international standards (ISO 14001 and ISO 45001) and all other compliance obligations regarding the Health, Safety,

Environment and Radiation protection and Hygiene at work in all of their operations;


  • demonstrate visible and active leadership and allocation of responsibilities that promotes HSE excellence, which engages and motivates Employees as well as Contractors/Subcontractors;
  • identify potential major accidents involving dangerous substances at the facility and assess their likelihood and potential consequences in order to implement proper mitigating actions;
  • identify the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the management of major hazards and their training needs involving both company Employees and Contractors/Subcontractors;
  • setting objectives and targets for measuring and improving HSE performance in line with the Companies’ activities and strategic objectives;
  • ensuring and supporting the principle of Stop Work Authority : “Stop any activity at any time if you feel that Safety is compromised” and manage HSE in order to achieve the objective of incident free operations;
  • creating a culture in which Employees, Contractors, Subcontractors and other Interested Parties share these commitments and understand that working safely is a condition of employment;
  • protecting human health through health risk assessments, preparation of medical emergency response plans and provisions for medical support;
  •  implement programs and appropriate protective measures for eliminating hazards, reducing and controlling risks and to respond quickly and effectively to any emergency resulting from its operations;
  • seek and achieve continuous improvement in processes, consistent with the strategic objectives and priorities, by adopting the most advanced systems for environmental protection;
  • measure, audit, report and review HSE performance and maintain open dialogue with Employees and Interested Parties in order to continuously improve the HSE management system.

The Companies maintain this HSE Integrated Policy and communicate it within their organizations as well as to relevant Interested Parties.

This HSE Integrated Policy is periodically reviewed in order to ensure that the approach and reference principles are appropriate and adequate in relation to activities of the Companies.