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Comments sent to Tax Justice Italia

Eni is fair and timely in its tax compliance as a contribution to value creation in the countries where it operates.

Executive Summary

Among Eni's traditional values, a fundamental part of the company's mission is its contribution to the creation of long-term value in the countries where it has a presence, which is also expressed in the fair and timely fulfilment of tax obligations in compliance not only with the wording of the law, but also with the spirit of the different tax laws in the jurisdictions where the Group operates.
In order to ensure consistency between the values that inspire the company's mission and its tax management choices, in May 2018 the Board of Directors approved a document summarising Eni's tax strategy and published it on the company website. Said strategy rejects aggressive tax policy choices, including the location of legal entities in so-called tax havens. The Tax Control Framework, a specific tax risk control system which the Chief Financial Officer is responsible for, was also set up to check the consistency between tax management choices and the strategy approved by the Board. The same document provided for the publication of the Country by Country Report, which we are pleased to note has received your approval.

With reference to the issues you have addressed, the following is a summary of the aspects discussed in more detail below:

Full documentation

The full report, which can be downloaded at the link below, includes:

Executive Summary
Country by Country Reporting
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