Regenerating an area means creating new opportunities in environmental, social and economic terms. To do this, it is essential that the future reuse of the areas is planned at an early stage of the remediation process, in agreement with the institutions and local stakeholders. This approach is part of our integrated operating model which we use to oversee every stage of the process, from preliminary characterisation surveys to final certification. Thanks to the experience and skills we have gained in the field, we are now able to maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of our interventions and develop increasingly innovative and environmentally friendly solutions for each new project. We have a constant commitment to ensure the sustainable management of soil, water and waste. In compliance with the relevant legislation, we favour the application of in situ technologies in our projects. This enables the remediation of soil and groundwater matrices in their natural location, without resorting to excavation and disposal operations, thus minimising the carbon footprint of environmental activities.
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Sustainable remediation
We design solutions in agreement with all stakeholders and with respect for the environment.

Our regeneration projects
Remediation as a driver of sustainable development.