The Brindisi multi-company petrochemical plant was founded in 1960, with the launch of Montedison’s cracking and chlor-alkali facilities, followed by polyethylene, polypropylene, butadiene, dichloromethane/CVM/PVC and polyurethane intermediate production at a later stage. In the beginning of the 1980s, the plants were gradually transferred to EniChimica, then in charge of the companies belonging to the Anic group. In 1991, after the Enimont operation, all of Montedison residual operations were transferred to Enichem Anic. Eni’s management – which was a public company at the time – ensured the continuity of the site, within the rescue and relaunch of strategic sectors for the Country. Starting from 1999, Enichem (since 2003 Syndial, and today Eni Rewind) has undertaken the reclaiming of the areas inherited from Montedison, and of those that were transferred over the previous decade to Dow, Polimeri Europa (Versalis) and EniPower. The petrochemical area – which spreads over 450 hectares – falls within Brindisi’s Site of National Interest, which also includes the Regional Natural Reserve of Punta della Contessa salt pans.
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