The industrial area of Porto Marghera, one of Europe’s largest, was established between 1917 and 1921 with the remediation of lagoon soils and the development of a commercial port, railways, navigable artificial canals and roads. At the end of 1928 there were over 50 plants, most of which operating within the steel, chemical, engineering, shipbuilding, oil and electricity sectors. Eni's presence in Porto Marghera has crossed several historical eras with the operations of Agip, Agip Petroli and Enichem. In 1991, after failure of the Enimont joint venture, Enichem became owner of Montedison’s production assets and a few years later started the first remediation activities. In 2008, under the name of Syndial, today Eni Rewind, the company terminated all production activities. Since 2000, Porto Marghera has been a Site of National Priority, according to Italian Law 426/1998, for its high environmental risk and the need for remediation and safety measures.
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