Joule Open

It is the full distance learning platform that supports you in your entrepreneurial idea’s growth.


The platform

Joule Open is the training platform that supports entrepreneurial growth. Participants have the opportunity to benefit from a wide range of exclusive content: in-depth discussions with business school professors (Luiss, MiP, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, SDA Bocconi, Federico II University), video interviews with Eni experts and inspirational courses.

Key contents:

  • Open Learning is the training course that can be used for guidance on the main issues related to entrepreneurial development. It is made up of ten modules, created in collaboration with the leading Italian universities and business schools, which help to seize opportunities, assess risks, develop the skills necessary to scale business ideas and obtain an Open Badge.
  • Casa Joule is a series of video interviews with Eni experts that allows you to keep up to date with the latest issues related to the energy transition scenario.
  • Open Your Mindset is the part of the platform dedicated to the entrepreneurial mindset. With the help of experienced trainers, the training modules provide tips and insights on how to make the most of business opportunities, overcome obstacles and learn from your mistakes. 

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